Privacy & Cookies Policy

1. General information

It's great you visited our website and that you are not indifferent to the way we process your personal data. Below you will find the purposes, legal bases and the duration of personal data processing, described separately for each purpose of processing.

1.1 The Administrator of your personal data is Cloud and Berry spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office in Poznań at Bydgoska Street 2/5E, 61-127 Poznań, entered into the National Court Register maintained by the District Court Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000957581, NIP 7822907847, REGON 521396730. Should you have any doubt regarding privacy policy, you may contact us at any time using this e-mail address:

1.2 The GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) grants to you the following rights related to the processing of your personal data:

a) the right to access your data and receive its copy,

b) the right to amend (correct) your data,

c) the right to erase your data (if in your opinion there is no legal basis for further processing of your data, you can ask us to erase you data),

d) the right to request the limitation of processing your data (you can request the restriction of data processing for the sole purpose of their storage or performance of actions agreed with you), 

e) the right to object to processing the data (you have the right to object to processing the data on the basis of a legitimate interest; you should indicate a particular situation - covered by your objection, that justifies, in your opinion, ceasing data processing. We will cease to process your data for these purposes, unless we demonstrate grounds for the processing which override your rights or unless we need your data for the establishment of and pursuing legal claims as well as for the defence against your legal claims,

f) the right to transfer your data (you have the right to receive the personal data, which you provided to us upon a contract or your consent, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format; you can instruct us to transmit this data to another subject),

g) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervising authority (if you come to conclusions that we are processing your data unlawfully, you can lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office or another competent supervisory authority).

The procedure of exercising these rights have been provided in detail in sections 16 – 21 of the GDPR. Please remember that you can ask us to provide you the information about the data we already possess and the purposes of its processing. Just send a message to the following e-mail

1.3 Your personal data can be processed by the entities whose services we use. Those entities may have access to your personal data if the services they provide us with are or may be related to the processing of personal data. This concerns, in particular, entities such as the hosting provider, e-mail service providers, website technical service providers, law firms, marketing service providers, accounting offices, cloud software providers, etc. Remember that your data is safe and processed only to the necessary extent. In addition, if necessary, your personal data may be made available to entities, bodies or institutions authorized to obtain access to data on the basis of legal provisions, such as the police, security services, courts, public prosecutor's offices, as well as tax offices, to the extent necessary to fulfill tax, billing and accounting obligations.

1.4 We transfer your personal data to third countries in connection with the use of tools that store personal data on servers located in the third countries, in particular in the USA. The providers of these tools guarantee the appropriate level of personal data protection through the adequate compliance mechanisms provided for in the GDPR or the use of standard contractual clauses. Personal data is stored on servers located in third countries within, and services (described in this Privacy Policy) which are provided by Squarespace Ireland Limited, Calendly LLC and as part of the mailing system ConvertKit, Inc.

2. Purposes and processing activities of personal data

2.1 Contact (via

Processed data: name, e-mail address and alternatively data contained in the message (providing data is voluntary, however it is necessary to make contact).

The purpose of processing: making contact

Duration of data processing: The content of the correspondence can be archived and it cannot be precisely determined when it will be deleted.

Legal basis: art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR, which is our legitimate interest. The legal basis of data processing after contract termination is also our legitimate purpose of archiving correspondence for internal needs (art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR).

Entitlement: You have the right to request access to the correspondence history that you conducted with us (if it was archived) and demand to erase it, unless archiving this data is justified due to our overriding interests, e.g. protection against potential claims on your part.

2.2 Newsletter

Processed data: name, e-mail address (providing data is voluntary, however it is necessary to subscribe to a newsletter).

The purpose of processing: sending the newsletter. The mail system we use tracks your activities undertaken in connection with the messages sent to you. Therefore, we have information about messages you opened, messages you used in terms of the links contained in them etc.

Duration of the processing: the time of providing newsletter services and archiving data in order to prove in the future that you consented to receiving the newsletter. The content of the correspondence can be archived and it cannot be precisely determined when it will be deleted.

Legal basis: consent (art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR) expressed when subscribing to the newsletter.

Entitlements: You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link provided in every message sent as a part of the newsletter or simply by contacting us. You can amend your data or object to processing of your personal data. Considering our legitimate interest (art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR) we will not erase your data from our database. Erasing such data would prevent us from demonstrating, if necessary, the fact that in the past you have agreed to receive the newsletter.

2.3 e-book and lead collection

Processed data: We collect and process your name, surname, and email address for the purpose of providing you with the requested e-book and for lead collection. While providing this data is voluntary, it is necessary for us to send you the e-book and relevant materials.

The purpose of processing: providing you with the requested e-book and for lead collection. The mail system we use tracks your activities undertaken in connection with the messages sent to you. Therefore, we have information about messages you opened, messages you used in terms of the links contained in them etc.

Duration of the processing: the time of providing requested e-book and for lead collection and archiving data in order to prove in the future that you consented to receiving the newsletter. The content of the correspondence can be archived and it cannot be precisely determined when it will be deleted.

Legal basis: consent (art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR) expressed when requesting the e-book.

Entitlements: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link provided in every message sent or simply by contacting us. You can amend your data or object to processing of your personal data. Considering our legitimate interest (art. 6 (1) (f) of GDPR) we will not erase your data from our database. Erasing such data would prevent us from demonstrating, if necessary, the fact that in the past you have agreed to receive the requested e-book.

3. Cookies

3.1 Cookies and other tracking technologies.

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small pieces of text information stored on your end device (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone) that can be read by our communication and information system (own cookies) or the communication and information systems of third parties (third-party cookies). Some cookies used by us are deleted after the end of the browsing session, that is after the browser is closed (session cookies). Other cookies are stored on your end device and enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit the website (persistent cookies).

3.2 Cookie Consent

During the first visit to our website, the information about the use of cookies together with a question about a consent to the use of these files is displayed.

You can always change the cookie settings in your browser or delete cookies altogether. Browsers manage cookie settings in various ways. In the auxiliary menu of the web browser you will find explanations on how to change cookie settings. 

You can also manage cookie settings by downloading a special add-on enabling you to control cookies.

Disabling or limiting the use of cookies may cause difficulties in using our website, as well as many other websites that use cookies.

3.3 Server Logs

Using the website involves sending queries to the server on which the website is stored. Each query directed to the server is saved in the server logs.

Server logs typically include your IP address, the date and time of the server, information about the web browser and the operating system you use.

Logs are saved and stored on the server. The data saved in the server logs is not associated with particular persons using the website and is not used by us to identify you.

The server logs are only auxiliary material used to administer the website, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except those authorised to administer the server.

3.4 Squarespace Analytics.

We use the Squarespace Analytics tool provided by Squarespace Ireland Limited based in Ireland.

The purpose is to create statistics and their analysis in order to optimise websites.

The collected data is personal data and it does not enable your identification. The information we have access to as a part of Squarespace Analytics is in particular: approximate location, information about the subpages you are viewing as a part of our website, time spent on the website and its subpages, button clicked on the website and its subpages.

3.5 Google Analytics.

We use the Google Analytics tool provided by Google LLC based in the USA.

The purpose is to create statistics and their analysis in order to optimise websites.

The collected data is personal data and it does not enable your identification. The information we have access to as a part of Google Analytics is in particular: information about the operating system and the web browser you use, the subpages you are viewing as a part of our website, time spent on the website and its subpages, the source directing you to our website.

As a part of Google Analytics, we use Advertising Features such as demographic and interest reports, age range, gender, approximate location, interests expressed through online activities.

In order to use Google Analytics, we have implemented a unique Google Analytics tracking code in the code of our website. The tracking code uses Google LLC cookies for the Google Analytics service.

3.6 Social tools

Our website uses plug-ins and other social tools provided by social networks such as LinkedIn and Instagram.

By displaying our website containing such a plugin, your browser will establish a direct connection to the servers of social network administrators (service providers). The content of the plugin is transmitted by a given service provider directly to your browser and integrated into the website. This integration allows service providers to be informed that your browser has displayed our website, even if you do not have a profile with the service provider or you are not logged in. This information (and your IP address) is sent directly by your browser to the server of a given service provider (some servers are located in the USA) and stored there. If you have logged in to one of the social networking sites, this service provider will be able to directly associate your visit to our website with your profile on that social networking site.

You can also prevent plugins from being loaded on the website completely by using appropriate extensions for your browser, e.g. blocking scripts.

If you do not want the social networking sites to associate the data collected during your visit to our website directly with your profile in a given social networking site, you must log out of that site before visiting our website.

If you use a plugin, e.g. if you click on the “Like” or “Share” button, the relevant information will also be sent directly to the server of a given provider and stored there.

The purpose and scope of data collection and further processing and use of the data by service providers, as well as your contact details and rights and settings to protect your privacy are described in the service providers’ privacy policies. For LinkedIn -, for Instagram -

Please note that if any information provided by us regarding the privacy policy or cookies is unclear to you, you can contact us via e-mail.