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Przemyslaw Blaszak Przemyslaw Blaszak

UX Wednesday: 3 reasons why we avoid pie charts

We're starting a new series - UX Wednesday with Cloud & Berry. Our first article discusses three practical reasons for avoiding pie charts, plus one reason why we love them (sometimes).

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Marta Blotny-Blaszak Marta Blotny-Blaszak

The story behind Cloud & Berry 

Cloud & Berry is a company consisting of two individuals: Przemek, an experienced Salesforce expert, and Marta, a former corporate lawyer with a passion for design. In this article, we'll delve into our beginnings, our manifesto, and even share some personal insights!

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Przemyslaw Blaszak Przemyslaw Blaszak

Excel Managers: When Data-Driven Transformation goes too far

In today's world where decisions are heavily influenced by data, there's a type of manager called Excel Manager. This article takes a closer look at these Excel Managers, how they affect organizations, and explains why often data-driven transformation goes wrong.

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Przemyslaw Blaszak Przemyslaw Blaszak

Is Using Data Killing the Art of Sales?

By using data as a helper instead of a boss, we can make sure that sales stays exciting and successful. The best salespeople will be the ones who can mix data with their personal skills, making customers happy and getting those deals done.

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Przemyslaw Blaszak Przemyslaw Blaszak

How to build Self-Service Analytics at Scale

By implementing a robust self-service analytics strategy, organizations can empower their users, foster a data-driven culture, and unlock valuable insights to drive success.

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