A Cloud & Berry customer success story: How to sell more tailored services to SaaS customers using Salesforce CRM Analytics

Data is arguably the most valuable resource shaping the world today. Companies who are more data-driven perform better on key business metrics like revenue growth, customer retention, and profitability. Most organizations have no problem collecting data. But many are challenged to make any sense of it. A McKinsey study of 1,000 global companies with more than $1B in revenue showed that only 8% were really distinguishing themselves with analytics.

The reason is that most data analytics tools are too complex. Most staff don’t have the technical skills to connect to, and analyze, an organization's data. And with many companies being short-staffed, there’s little time for extensive training. Which means that only a small number of people in a company can truly be data-driven—leaving the rest with limited charts and static reports.

Challange: how to sell more tailored services to SaaS customers

Our client, a software company later acquired by a Silicon Valley tech industry leader, which sells SaaS and professional services, understood the importance of data and the limitations of not having it readily available.

Their objective was to enhance sales capacity with both potential and existing customers by proficiently upselling customized professional services to those who had previously purchased software.

The challenges were:

  • Siloed sales teams selling software and services.

  • Manual steps in discovering customer needs for professional services.

  • Lack of knowledge about customers’ future spending for services.

What this meant for our client:

By implementing Salesforce CRM Analytics, our client was able to bring together data so that both software and services sales teams had a 360-degree view of the customer. Using simple, intuitive dashboards, they could guide service sales teams to the existing software customers. Additionally, a white spot analysis was implemented to discover the type of services that specific customers needed. Finally, the sales team selling services was able to effectively prepare offerings based on software deals.

The results

After implementing CRM Analytics the client got:

  • 2.5x more software deals with services attached.

  • Faster customer qualification: 70% average time to prepare the offer.

  • Increase of average deal size: 16%.

At Cloud & Berry we believe the ability to see and understand data is key to the success of virtually any business today. We’re excited about using Salesforce and CRM Analytics to help our clients unlock the full value of their data.

Get our e-book to read more about how good analytics can harness the full value of your data:

Marta Blotny-Blaszak

Co-founder & Business Development Manager at Cloud & Berry


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